Eden Maas  · 3 min read

Why does my website need a clear call to action?

Discover why a clear call to action (CTA) is crucial for your website's success. Learn how to design effective CTAs that capture visitor interest, build trust, and drive conversions. Enhance your website's performance by optimizing buttons and links to ensure your audience takes the desired actions.

Discover why a clear call to action (CTA) is crucial for your website's success. Learn how to design effective CTAs that capture visitor interest, build trust, and drive conversions. Enhance your website's performance by optimizing buttons and links to ensure your audience takes the desired actions.

Calls to action (CTAs) are a fundamental concept in website design. They are a powerhouse when used properly.

What is a CTA exactly?

Simply put, the buttons and links on your website. “Clicking” is the action you are getting the visitor to take. Surprisingly, it is harder than it looks. In many cases a great portion of a website’s traffic leaves before clicking anything on the website. Humans do not like commitment! For that reason it takes careful communication and convincing to obtain the action we’re looking for.

How to use buttons as effective CTAs?

You need to acquire a visitor’s interest and address their needs and/or desires. Next, build their trust. It is only once this is done that a visitor will take action.

But what about the buttons themselves? Consider a few ways to optimize their effectiveness.

First, they must be recognizable. If the person doesn’t know it’s a button they will not know to click it. Buttons and links are identified through color, shape, and type. Then, by being consistent over the entirety of the website, your visitor will be able to identify them without question.

Second, they must be clear. If a person doesn’t know where the button will take them, they will not click it! The text of a button or a link must explicitly state where they are going or what they will receive.

Third, they must be ‘interesting’ to the visitor. In what way? An effective button seeks to answer a question or address an interest of the visitor. A good designer will consider who the target audience is, and why they are on your website. They’ll figure out what most visitors to your website will be looking for, and then create a CTA that is specific to that need. Take for example, a business that is largely found via referral. People on such a website have likely made the decision to contact the company beforehand, so make it easy for them with a prominent “Contact Us’ button as soon as they open the website.

What if they are exploring and don’t have a clear purpose? People don’t like making decisions, they prefer being told what to do if convinced beforehand. This facet of human psychology can be used to your advantage. By using the first and second points, along with interesting content that applies to their wants and desires you can convert the ‘lazy’ visitors.


The end result, better conversion rates.

You don’t want people leaving your website before they’ve clicked. Know your target audience.

Provide reason to trust and appeal to their interests, needs, and desires. Then make it clear what they should do. Only then will you succeed in getting people to take action on your website. Action means the acquisition of new clientele. You may not succeed with every visitor to your website, but you will increase your percentages and target the clients you want.

Ready to make your website a reality?

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